【速報】 ネコ耳フィルター事件がカナダでも発生!警察署の殺人事件に関する記者会見で…
uly 21, 2019 – 08:35 AM EDT
Canadian police accidentally livestream double homicide press conference using cat filter
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police inadvertently streamed a press conference regarding a double homicide using a filter that added cat ears and whiskers to a police officer on Friday, according to The Daily Beast.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police of British Columbia later clarified that the press conference, which concerned the killing of an American woman and her Australian boyfriend, was accidentally streamed using an automatic Facebook Live setting.
Sgt. Janelle Shoihet rerecorded the press conference without the filter, apologizing for the error.
“We are aware and addressing it as it’s an automatic setting. Thank you, we will rectify and issue a video shortly,” the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of British Columbia tweeted during the press conference.
Shaukat Yousafzai, a regional minister in northwest Pakistan, made a similar error in June, inadvertently applying the filter for the entirety of a press conference on his Tehreek-e-Insaf party’s Facebook page.

※ 【ハプニング】 パキスタンの州閣僚にネコ耳が…! 記者会見のライブ配信で「ネコフィルター」が誤ってかかる
Source: ねこメモ
【速報】 ネコ耳フィルター事件がカナダでも発生!警察署の殺人事件に関する記者会見で…